Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The case of the missing showcard

IMG showcards are finally out, and curiously missing from the pile? Freja's. Maybe not so curious if Freja doesn't plan on walking NY this season, but I really have no idea. It wouldn't come as a huge surprise since missing NY seems to be in vogue, with Abbey Lee taking leave for London.

Or maybe Freja is just at the level where she doesn't need a show card anymore. After all, no showcard doesn't always mean no model. Luckily we only have a few days to find out for ourselves whether Freja will be walking down those Lincoln Center catwalks.

Disappointingly enough, the time that IMG finally decides to spring for a design team is the time that Freja either decides to sit out, or decides that she's too established for a showcard like the rest of them.

If anyone does know what the situation is, feel free to leave a comment.


Gabrielle said...

I really don't know the truth but the China agent said that they will meet at fashion week. Also, the agent is going to Milan.
So who knows the truth?!I notice that there are many models missing in the showcards too... ...

Siru said...

She is established so I am hoping she's just above it, instead of skipping the week -weeks ....

Juliet xxx

Gill Ford said...

I'm very interested to know what's going on as well. It seems that Freja is in London (or at least was earlier this week) just like Abbey is... And there seems to be a number of top models that are missing showcards, which is not overly unusual, but perhaps a little strange in that there seem to be so many without showcards this season...

I wonder if we can blame the economy to a certain extent? New York pays predominantly in trade, and perhaps there is some other project going on that is going to afford the participants a bigger paycheck than would be attained in America? It might make sense, seeing as from a modelling perspective, runway is more about gaining the notoriety necessary to book campaigns, where the real money is. Generally speaking, runway isn't necessary for many of the models rumoured to be missing New York because they have already established themselves in the industry and with fans.

That said, I wonder if Freja's in London for a musical endeavour? That seems to be Abbey Lee's reason, and Freja has never been secretive about her dream to pursue a career in the music industry after modelling, especially in more recent seasons... If I remember correctly, I think she mentioned having decked out her apartment with a load of recording equipment and a full band of instruments last season? I can't say I'd be overly surprised if she is involved in Abbey Lee's "personal music project". Just speculation on my part, but I daresay all will be revealed in time. ;)

Adriana said...

Hmmm. Nonetheless, there are established motdels like Jessica Stam and Anja Rubik who still have their showcards. We'll see what happens!